SEO Agency in Montreal

Falia is a premier SEO agency based in Montreal and established in 2015. We excel in delivering top-tier results in competitive markets by boosting online presence and driving organic traffic for various industries.

agence seo

We ❤️ the success of our customers.

Our expertise inSEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Our expertise in
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Our SEO agency in Montreal and Quebec City increases the visibility of businesses on Google. Whether it’s through our managed SEO services, our SEO training or or our strategic SEO coaching, we do everything possible to help you achieve exceptional visibility on search engines. Our SEO experts will help you achieve your goals on the web.

Our SEO services

Our SEO services

On-page SEO

Our experts optimize the content of the pages of a website by respecting the good practices in order to position your website in the first results on search engines. We make sure that each optimized page targets a specific keyword, that the structure of the page respects web standards, that images are well used and that all the tags used by search engines’ algorithms and artificial intelligence are complete.

Off-page SEO

Our SEO agency also develops off-page SEO strategies to support your website’s pages from other platforms. Off-page SEO refers to all the practices implemented outside of your website, including social networks, local SEO platforms such as Google My Business, customer review aggregators and high-quality backlinks.

Technical SEO

Search engines prefer websites with the best user experience. It is therefore essential to ensure that your website is fast enough, both for indexing robots and for users. In addition to addressing site speed, our SEO agency pays special attention to any technical issues that may impact your site's ranking.

Optimized content writing in French and English

Our writing team provides SEO-optimized content that is unique and of high quality to provide your target audience with the best possible content. We write both English and French content.

SEO audit

An SEO audit allows us to analyze your website’s current SEO strategy. We are then able to identify issues to be resolved, content that should be optimized and new SEO opportunities, all with the goal of improving your website’s SEO. This audit should be performed at the start of the project, but also at regular intervals to ensure your SEO stays up-to-date.

SEO consultation

The experts of our SEO agency also offer their support to companies in order to analyze and offer personalized advice about the SEO strategy to help you achieve your visibility goals on search engines.

Local SEO

Local SEO is becoming increasingly important, especially on mobile versions of search engines. We pay special attention to local SEO so that your business can be easily discoverable within Google's Local Pack and on mapping applications like Google Maps.

SEO training for business

Our SEO training allows participants to discover the best practices in the field and implement an SEO strategy to improve their website’s position on Google.​

International SEO and multilingual sites (USA, France, Canada and more)

If your website serves customers in different parts of the world, international SEO strategies should be implemented to ensure that the right content is presented to the right person based on their language and location. What's more, these strategies allow you to target different keywords for each country and language without being penalized on search engines.

High-performance SEO that is truly adapted to your business objectives

Our SEO services are tailored to your business objectives and competition. We take care of all the necessary aspects of SEO so that your company is positioned as an industry leader on Google.

Keyword studies, strategy and action plan in natural referencing

Our SEO agency conducts keyword studies based on your field of activity and your immediate competition. We optimize your website with the keywords that have the best traffic and conversion potential. Thus, our SEO services generate sales and qualified leads. Not just traffic!

Optimization of existing content for SEO

You know how important content is on a website: text, photos, and quality videos are essential. Moreover, your content should be updated regularly so that it is not overlooked by Google. That’s why Falia offers content writing and management services focused on SEO.

SEO training, SEO coaching and support

Not only do we take on your SEO but we can also help your team develop their SEO skills. We offer SEO training in a public virtual classroom once a month, custom SEO training, SEO coaching and long-term strategic guidance for marketing teams of small, medium and large companies.

SEO copywriting in French and in English

Falia offers SEO writing solutions in English and in French. It’s not just about creating a lot of content to attract Google and generate new customers. You also need to focus on the quality of the content you publish rather than the quantity. Well-structured and clear content is essential in the eyes of Google. Texts can be initially written in English or in French (depending on your preference) and then translated into the other language.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) generates qualified traffic, leads and online sales.

Our SEO agency specializes in the development and execution of effective SEO strategies. With a proven track record of success, our expert team is ready to help you enhance your online presence.

You will gain visibility followed by an increase in the number of visitors to your site.

Target the audience most likely to be interested in your products and services.

Increasing the number of targeted prospects makes it easier to turn those prospects into future customers.

Your brand can become the one your customers think of, over all competitors in the industry.

New traffic and qualified leads contribute to new growth opportunities.

When you reach the top of the search results, your customers will see you as the authority in your industry.



What our customers say

“Nous avons confié à Falia la refonte de notre site web et un mandat SEO afin de nous positionner en première position ou dans le trop 3 sur des mots clés très prisés aux États-Unis, au Canada, en Australie, en France et ailleurs dans le monde. Notre site web WordPress est efficace dans la mesure où il génère des téléchargements d'application en et des « leads » pour notre SaaS dédié aux grandes entreprises dans un marché de niche.”
Paul Koufalis
Président, White Star Software
Nous utilisons les services de marketing numérique gérés B2B de Falia depuis 6 ans. Nous avons accès aux plus récentes technologies en en marketing web en plus de compter sur une expertise de pointe en SEO, SEM, en optimisation de la conversion, en automatisations marketing, en science des données et j'en passe. Clairement, nos investissements en marketing numérique génèrent de la croissance pour notre organisation."
Marie-Ève Ducharme
Directrice ventes, marketing et relations clients, MS Solutions
"Falia a réalisé 2 boutiques Shopify pour mes entreprises et les gère entièrement depuis leurs mises en ligne. Falia s'occupe de la publicité Facebook et Instagram, du marketing par courriel et des automatisations, elle s'occupe de la gestion des médias sociaux et même d'une partie de notre service à la clientèle. J'aime avoir accès à ma propre équipe chez Falia pour lancer de nouvelles campagnes facilement à chaque semaine."
Sébastien Abrieu
Entrepreneur, et KOLL

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At Falia, your business considerations are important to us. Not just SEO.

Our SEO experts understand that being first on Google is not a business goal to achieve at all costs. We won’t propose an SEO strategy that resorts to high keyword density or irrelevant keyword use just to be first in search results—these methods are frowned upon in SEO and make you look bad. We like to give our clients visibility, but only the good kind! So we take all the ingredients you give us, mix them with our SEO expertise and come up with a winning plan of action.

Because we believe in your mission as much as you do and want to be a part of your project, we bring our marketing know-how to help you achieve your goals. Thanks to our clients’ mission, we have a significant impact on thousands of people across Quebec. And that’s important to us!

Some things to know about SEO

Stay away from black hat SEO techniques

Beware of these SEO practices! Black hat SEO is not illegal, but it is very much frowned upon by Google. There are many cases where these bad SEO techniques have caused problems for companies. In short, black hat SEO goes against the rules of the search engine algorithms.

If you use these SEO techniques, expect serious consequences such as the decrease in visibility of your website in search results and in some cases, the removal of your already indexed results.

In addition, be aware that search engines are increasingly systematic in detecting fraudulent SEO techniques, so getting caught is almost inevitable. And if you are not detected, you will benefit more in the short term, but in the long term you will unfortunately suffer the consequences, such as a much lower visibility on search engines.


Learn more about these SEO techniques to avoid:

Introduction to Black Hat SEO, article in English on Hubspot’s blog

What is Black Hat SEO? on the SEMrush blog


Why is SEO important in e-commerce?

According to a study conducted by Semrush, search results can generate up to 38% of an online store’s total traffic.

Although achieving a good ranking on search engines can take time, it is still a sustainable and more profitable solution than relying exclusively on online advertising. 

By optimizing the SEO of an online store, the share of visits and purchases coming from search engines will increase along with the revenues related to sales.


How to optimize the SEO of your online store?

There are many practices that can improve the SEO of an e-commerce site on search engines. Some of them can be used on a classic website, while others are specific to online stores.


Optimize your SEO to aim for position 0 with “featured snippet”

If you don’t know what a featured snippet is, it’s very simple. It’s a result that perfectly matches your query. This result appears above the paid results. 

Here is what a featured snippet looks like:


The length of your content can affect your ranking on Google

Google favors quality content and it is thanks to it that you will have the chance to be on the top 3 of the search results for the keywords you are targeting. On the one hand your content must answer the question asked by the user as well as the questions related to the main search query, but it must also be more or less of a certain length if you want to appear in the first results. Indeed, according to a study, 2,000 words+ pages tend to rank more readily in the top 10 on Google.

Mobile searches are on the rise

Mobile searches are becoming increasingly important. 87% of people searching the internet are on mobile and 40% of all transactions take place on mobile.

Google switched to indexing for mobile on July 1, 2019 to improve the mobile search experience. If you haven’t optimized your pages for mobile, you probably won’t show up in the top search results for your keyword.

Some quick tips to get good SEO results

1- Optimize your keywords:
In order for your page to be well referenced and relevant to your customers’ searches, you should integrate your keywords in an obvious way. The keyword is usually put in the title, the introduction, the meta description… We also recommend that you use keyword synonyms.

2- Choose a short URL:
Ideally, your URL should not exceed 80 characters and should be easy to understand for your readers.

3- Create useful internal links:
The technique of creating links from one page of your website to another can change the game in terms of SEO, as it increases traffic to your pages.

4- Share your content on social networks:
For your SEO to be effective, sharing your content on social networks is very useful: it is a great way to get backlinks. You should also encourage your visitors to share your content! Sharing is a useful technique that can have a positive impact on SEO.

5- Post quality content: 
Seducing Google starts by creating content for your website. Your content must answer your visitors’ questions. Offer content that is easy to read, engaging and not too long.

6- Do not neglect the loading speed of your pages:
This will undoubtedly improve the user experience and thus make you rank higher in Google searches.

Your titles have a significant impact on your SEO results

The number of results that appear on Google are innumerable, but what stands out first? The titles!

Your goal is to come up with a title that is halfway between the (reasonable) use of your keyword and readability. Of course, your title must be catchy and make your reader want to continue reading (but avoid clickbait titles). Use numbers in your titles and avoid long sentences!


Page structure for SEO

At its core, site structure is simply the organization of a website.

The goal of this organization is to create a site that is effortless for users to navigate and to simultaneously allow search engines to easily crawl the site.

One of the first things we learn in SEO is how to optimize a page, which depends heavily on the use of title tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to organize content.

Site structure is about providing intuitive navigation for your user. To illustrate, think of your site as a house where rooms are easy to access. Your site should be designed in the same way.


Use internal links to improve your SEO

One of the most effective ways to have SEO that works is to link related pages on your website together.
So why are internal links so important?

  • From a user’s and a search engine’s perspective, internal links help certain pages get discovered. If a page is not linked, it becomes harder to find and is less likely to be seen as often by the user, if at all.
  • Internal links help the flow of equity accumulated by a page. This allows more specific pages on a site to rank better for related terms.

Work on Google’s “Core Web Vitals”

Defined by Google as indicators aiming to offer the best possible user experience on the web, “Core Web Vitalsmeasure three key elements of your website’s performance. The “Largest Contentful Paint” (LCP) will measure the loading speed of your pages, the “First Input Delay” (FID) will calculate the responsiveness of your site and the “Cumulative Layout Shift” (CLS) will take into account the visual stability. We don’t expect an immediate impact on Google search results, but it’s a must for SEO.

Read more about Core Web Vitals: Google’s new SEO indicators


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